Light Comes

by Sri Harsha D

USD 708 raised of USD 2,500

28% raised

0 day(s) left

6 contribution

Globally, 1 out of 3 blind people live in India. Bihar is the worst effected with 4.8 million visually impaired people out of which 2.8 million people need sight-restoring eye surgery. Additionally, 300,000 people get added to the pool every year due to aging. Cataract is responsible for more than 80% of the blindness. More than half of the population do not have access to cataract surgery. As per WHO, cataract surgery is one of the ten best interventions to reduce poverty because it not only restores vision but also the ability of the person to earn his livelihood. Your donation will make a difference.

Our corporate partners cover our operating cost separately. 100% of your donation goes towards supporting the beneficiaries directly.

Light comes, we are blessed indeed to enjoy this beautiful planet, to soak in it's rainboic colours, to see mother nature dance through the colourful flora and fauna, to savour the feeling of warmth we get when we see our loved ones.

Is it not unfair to see little boys and girls left out of school, adults who are left without livelihood and older citizens left without proper care due to their impediment?

With our collective efforts and generosity, we can help these lovely people, get back their hope, their dignity and their vision. 

Let us come together and give 50 people the blessing of sight, so that they can laugh and cry, sing and dance, see and fall in love just like we do!!!!!  


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There is no better way to thank God for your sight than by giving a helping hand to someone in the dark

Helen Keller
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