Clearing The Hurdles Of Twilight


In the quaint village of Asaon, Bihar, an elderly woman, Ramrati Devi, 56, lives with her husband, Ramesh.


A loving mother of three married daughters and a tending homemaker, Ramrati had gracefully weathered the seasons of life.


Life Changed by Cataracts


The old couple was leading a pretty content life until she lost her sight to cataracts in both her eyes. The world she once navigated with ease became a maze of uncertainty.


As her vision faded, so did her confidence, and a sense of helplessness settled upon her like a heavy shroud.


The once bustling household now echoed with the quiet footsteps of a woman grappling with darkness.


Ramarat Devi_Image 1 

From Caregiver to Dependent


Ramrati, who had always been the heart of their home, felt like a burden as she stumbled through daily chores, unable to recognise the faces of loved ones or the familiar contours of her surroundings. 


The woman who loved caring for her family and home had now become heavily dependent on her spouse.


Being blind made me rely on others for even the simplest tasks.


The onset of blindness had transformed her from a caretaker to a burden. 


Ramrati's Journey to Renewed Sight


Her husband, a sturdy man with weathered hands from years of toil on their small farm, noticed how helpless his wife felt.


Determined to restore his wife's sight and bring back the light in her eyes, Ramesh reached out to the free eye screening camp organised by Akhand Jyoti.


Upon examination, the doctors identified and priortised Ramrati as a bilateral cataract patient.


The news that Ramrati would be a candidate for the free surgerybrought a flicker of hope to the couple's lives.


I was worried that being poor meant I'd stay blind, but learning about the free eye surgery made me feel like there was a chance for me to see again.


On the day of the surgery, an overwhelmed Ramrati entered Akhand Jyoti Eye Hospital at Mastichak, holding her husband's hand.


The skilled medical team reassured her, explaining each step of the process. As the surgeon skilfully removed the clouded lens and replaced it with a clear artificial one, a world of colours and shapes gradually unfolded before her.


The first thing she saw was her husband, his eyes filled with tears of joy as he witnessed the miracle of her sight being restored.


Overwhelmed with gratitude, she could hardly believe the beauty she had missed during her time in darkness.


After proper counselling, Ramrati was discharged. She felt a renewed sense of purpose as she adjusted to her newfound sight.


Her Journey of Rediscovery


With her husband by her side, she resumed the daily routines that had once seemed impossible.


Ramrati, now able to see the world around her, approached each task with a fresh perspective and a deep appreciation for the ordinary moments she had missed.


On a post-op visit to her house, the Akhand Jyoti team found a very contented Ramrati Devi engaged in household work.


She said, 

I am thankful to Akhand Jyoti for restoring my sight. Now, I can do all my household chores with much ease.


My husband can concentrate on earning and does not have to look after me. 




The once-burdened homemaker has become a beacon of resilience, proving that even in the darkest times, the light of hope and determination could illuminate the path forward.


Sight restoration through cataract surgery is a life-changing procedure for individuals living with impaired vision due to cataracts.


Vision loss has a significant impact on mental and emotional well-being.


The feeling of being a burden to their loved ones takes away more than just the sight; they lose their dignity.


Akhand Jyoti restored the sight of Ramrati and many others like her, who need sight to regain their dignity and lead a hopeful life.

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Over the last 18 years, each day we have poured tremendous time, effort and compassion in reaching out to indigent people who suffer from curable blindness. Our work has taken us to extreme places, among the less fortunate people. Our efforts to restore sight for these people have helped them regain hope and dignity.


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There is no better way to thank God for your sight than by giving a helping hand to someone in the dark

Helen Keller
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